Village Outreach

Our Village Outreach was started in 1990 by founder Protima Gauri. Her focus was to bring classical dance training to rural kids in an effort to popularise the classical arts of India.
In 1998, the Village Outreach became a part of our Project Nrityagyān (Dance Education) with a broadened vision to also promote personal growth by developing a strong sense of discipline, high basics of excellence and self esteem. Thus providing them tools to a successful future.
Using a teaching method brought to us by Tracy Straus of the National Dance Institute, New York, our classes are full of energy, passion, commitment, honesty and respect on both sides - teacher and students. This helps us to almost instantly win each child’s trust because they immediately feel safe in class. Children receive honest feedback knowing that each of them is special, that there are small achievements every day and that they will succeed. The children stay focused with amazingly high energy and concentration for three hours, regardless of their age. And that’s how they enthusiastically accept and wholeheartedly put their efforts into new challenges.
The groups are organised as 4 to 12 years, above 12, fresh learners and advanced learners.
Pavithra Reddy, who initially joined this programme and was selected for further training in 1993, is a stellar example of the success of our Village Outreach.

the Arts